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Trying to Write a Novel in 2020

So, I am excited to announce that, yes, I am writing a novel. It's something that I've been cooking up for a number of years and it's been a love hate relationship at times!

Writing a novel in 2020? blog post by Oak Ayling
Writing a novel in 2020?

A Novel? Really?

  • Them: "What have you been up to during lockdown?"

  • Me: "Well I've still been at work because my job is considered essential but I've also been trying to make progress on my novel..."

  • Them: "Oh you're writing a novel? What's it about? Is it nearly Finished? Can I read it?"

  • Me: *inspects the sky for rain, opens up mime umbrella, gets blown away by the wind.*

Yes, A Novel!

So, I am excited to announce that, yes, I am writing a novel. It's something that I've been cooking up for a number of years and it's been a love hate relationship at times!

I think a lot of people don't realise that when they are talking to writers. We love what we are working on one minute and the next we are crippled with self-doubt asking ourselves questions like; Am I good enough to tell this story? Is this story worthy of being told? Will people care what I have to say? Who am I to think that my voice would make a difference to anybody? Is what I'm writing even relevant amid all of 2020's insanity??

In my case those questions grow up around me like a forest and it can be hard to put pen to paper during those times. As a consequence, navigating that forest has become a large part of my process. The majority of my writing time is spent on Pinterest and researching topics that may not even feature in the novel.

I also take walks, spend time with family, and go to my day job every day thinking to myself 'Well, you didn't get a single word written this week, how is this novel ever going to make it on to paper?!' - but the truth of it is, all of these activities contribute to the finished product. We have to let the reservoir fill before we can water the crops.

I posted a pair of little video slides on instagram today, to express the complexity of this process, and chiefly to remind myself that the novel cannot be rushed.

So it may be many more moons before you hear news of my debut novel, but rest assured, it is coming, just verrrryyy sslowwwlyyy.

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